Thursday, October 17, 2013

Common Questions and Answers About Moving

Q: What should I do if I am not yet receiving mail at my new address?

A: Accept that you have no friends, family or business associates who care about you enough to slowly check that you are still alive.

Q: How should I let my friends, family members, magazine publishers, and business correspondents know of my new address?

A: Stop pretending. It's getting sad. We all know you've never actually received a letter.

Q: Do I need to register to vote?

A: Snerk! As if it matters!

That's right, I'm back! I have moved, I have set my 2010 Guide to Literary Agents on Fire (because I already won at having an agent ((HI, PESTRITTO ON RYE! TEAM LARKIN LURVES YOU!)) and also because our new lair has a fire place and we had to use it), and I have begun proper work on Book 2 once more. I'm taking Zacharias (my mini laptop) to Dayjob today so I can get some serious word countage in.

What else has happened since the last time I posted?

I have a new goddaughter! Everyone shoot off a big round of applause for the incorrigible Miss Maralee! The Riverbug (goddaughter the first) thinks her squishy-faced little sister is pretty cool ("Hi, cute baby!" said the adorable then-two-year-old upon their meeting).

Oh, and the girls (and their parents, I guess) are now my neighbors.

I got a new place with Wifey (my personal ediatrix), with First Wife (my muse) living across the hall, about three feet away. Between the three of us, we have enough devil's juice to pickle a pirate. Oh, and Wifey, aside from ediatrixing the sweet hell into and out of my work, cooks like some goddess of the stove. What I'm saying is that, as far as 'writers life' goes, I have struck gold.

I spent two years in hermit mode, and I benefitted greatly from being forced to contend with myself. Now I'm surrounded by people that force me to think I'm great and make me want to actually BE great. Level Up, life!

To keep my fingers moving, what with the words coming out and all, I am going to really push and give this 'one post a day' thing another try. I'll even try and do it in the morning. Because that's the world we live in now.

The Good Ship Looney (with its fabulous crew) has officially set sail. Let's go chew on the horizon.

*Questions provided by the USPS. Answers provided by a rough shift at Dayjob.

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